Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Avacyn Restored

As the Innistrad block comes to an end, people are anticipating the release of Avacyn Restored. As Avacyn has been released from the hellvault, the humans have regained their hope. One thing we can all expect is a drastic change in the creatures. So far in Innistrad and Dark Ascension, we have been exposed to many spirits, Werewolves, Zombies, Wolves, and Vampires. We can also say goodbye to transforming/double sided cards as well as flashback.

But where some aspects fall, I am sure that many more mechanics will rise, such as some angels and not to mention the Legendary Avacyn, Angel of Hope, which is an 8/8 white angel for 8 mana which makes all permanents you control indestructible. I am without a doubt looking forward to other spoilers of Avacyn restored and for its actual release! 

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