Saturday, April 7, 2012

Me at PAX East

I am currently in Boston and have gone to PAX for my first day and I am preparing to go on my second day. Many words can be used to describe PAX, and I assure you that they are all positive words. At Pax I walked around all the different booths and exhibits in the show room, and then I sat down to participate in a booster draft in the table top game center. It was single elimination and I was eliminated in the first round, but I was not focused on winning, I made a 3 color deck just because I felt like it. On a brighter side in my first pack I drafted a Huntsmaster of the Fells, which is a good werewolf to have in a Red/Green werewolf deck. 

After the booster draft, I met up with a few guys and we played casual Magic. Thw two were nice guys and I hope to see them again on Saturday PAX. My agenda for Pax today would most likely be simple, when I get there I will roam the exhibition hall, try out some demos and other games I've never heard of, and possibly head to the console gaming rooms and play some games there. Then I'm off to table top gaming to enter into a booster draft and possibly a standard tournament.

PAX is truly an awesome place to go and to do many cool things. It doesn;t matter what type of gamer you are, board gamer, card gamer, console gamer, computer gamer, or you are a fan of retro arcade games, PAX East is truly a memorable experience.

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